Mediation Child Support Challenge
Tuesday, October 23, 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The deadline for enrollment is October 15.
The Saturday, October 20, 9:30 AM to noon class has been postponed. If you are interested in this workshop, but the dates do not work for you, send a message to the adminstrator and Patty will try and arrange another session.
Patty Weidler, who teaches the Family Law Course required for CADRES
family law mediators, is offering a half-day workshop on child support at her office in Lewiston. This workshop is intended for practitioners with a working knowledge of child support who want to brush up on their child support skills, explore the more nuanced and intricate child support calculations, and/or face some new challenges taken from real life mediations. Patty will provide light snacks and hot tea. Coffee, wonderful bagels and pastries, and sandwiches are available at Forage Market, on the floor below Patty’s office.
Enrollment is limited because of space, so please sign up for your preference as to the workshop time as soon as possible. The deadline for enrollment is October 15.
A waitlist will be maintained for future sessions.
$50 per session. 2.5 CLEs available.
Biographical Information - Patricia Weidler, Esq., is an attorney who practices as a Guardian ad Litem for Title 22 cases and volunteers as a Guardian ad Litem for Title 19-A cases. Patricia has taught for many years a variety of college, adult education, and high school courses. She has also taught family law and child support workshops for Maine mediators for several years. Prior to her current practice, Patricia practiced family law with an Auburn law firm.
For more information contact: 
Patricia E. Weidler